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Tournament Reports

SB2 at Mens Indoor Regionals

11.Nov.2017 - 12.Nov.2017

We started the weekend with a game against UCL 2. As we had played them at Mixed Regionals, we knew that we could win the match. However, sloppy play and a neglect towards updating the scoreboard left the final score at 5-1 to us.  Our second match was against Brunel 1, who started at full throttle and seized the early break.  We fought hard but Brunel showed they were the better team and won 9-4.  Next up were Herts 1. With Herts being their usual imperious selves at indoors, we narrowly avoided hard cap and a bagel with a score of 14-1.  Our final pool play match came against LSE 2. It was clear that they were a new and inexperienced team and we kept our heads and played calm, collected offence, winning 15-0.  Having held seed within our pool, we went into our crossover against UCL 1 knowing that a win would have us finish top 8.  UCL 1 came out strong and we fell behind at the start. However, with excellent sidelineing from our 1sts and sheer determination and effort, we brought it back to universe.  Unfortunately, their handler movement proved too hard to get the D on and UCL went on to win 7-6.  This left us with our final match of the Saturday against ARU.  We carried all of our frustration into the local derby and won handily with a score of 12-2.  This meant we had held seed on Saturday and with just 2 games, we could only go up.  We started our Sunday against UEA 1. Aye-aye proved too strong a team and playing sloppy offense didn’t help us, with a final score of 9-3.  That just left a final match against Imperial 2, who we lost to on universe in our final match at Mixed Regionals 2 weeks ago.  Hoping to flip the narrative this match, we played with a defensive intensity which we showed in spurts throughout the weekend, culminating in a Callahan by Fisher.  Offensively however, we were still sloppy and once again found ourselves on universe point.  This time however, we held our nerve and punched it in, winning 7-6, having both broken seed and ended the weekend as the best 2nd team with the win. 

MVP (O): Mark

MVP (D): Fisher

MSP: Karl/Bryan

Back Row: Clement, Aimeric, Ravi, Raj, Mark

Front Row: Fisher, Theo (C), Karl/Bryan

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