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Tournament Reports

SB Men's BUCS League Match vs. Warwick 1


Strange Blue travelled to Warwick for our third BUCS match of the season. Warwick had solid indoor performances thus far, but had yet to be seen outdoors.

Squad List:

Alex, Amos, Cope, Jonny, JR, Luke, MC, Perry, Tejas, Theo, Will


Weather was looking fine. Wind was minimal, but enough to make hucks favoured from only one side of the pitch.

Warwick came out with a standard vertical stack and man defence. Warwick took the early lead 2-0, but the Blues came back with some classic break-side play to even the scores up 3-3.  Perry IOs to Alex at the front of stack generated a good amount of offensive flow. JR threw a forehand and it turned out great. Both sides took their long options going downwind. The score would eventually be tied 6-6 before rain started to pour. Will had a big layout D bid, but his Warwick receiver got there just before and holds on for the assist. Warwick took half 8-6.

Fortunately, the rain subsided after half. Less fortunately, the rain only worsened the condition of the already-muddy pitch. Cutting was difficult, and our defence was become more poachy in response. Warwick took advantage of this, taking big wide swings or upfield passes to poached receivers to score multiple consecutive points. Soft-cap was on at 11-7 to Warwick, and despite a beautiful backhand connection from Tejas to Jonny, Warwick would go on to win 12-8.

A good performance from Strange Blue. There were definitely moments where we could see the entire team working in sync on defence and forcing turnovers. Shoutout to Warwick for videoing (and editing!) the entire game for our subsequent 3-hour (???) analysis.

Cambridge Ultimate

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