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Tournament Reports

SB1 at UWIR 2019

23.Nov.2019 - 24.Nov.2019 - Burgess Hill

7 - 2 against Oxford 2

Late start to the day gave us some time to get in the mood for frisbee. Very excited to get on the pitch, maybe a little too excited, trading a few points at the start but then moving on to a comfortable lead after a switch up of our offensive play. Nicely spirited game to start the day.

7 - 1 against Portsmouth 1

Portsmouth put up a very poachy zone, which we were patient enough to work through down the field. It was a really fun game and the team flow was increasing steadily. Safe handler movement was the star of this game.

7 - 2 against Brunel 1

A very well spirited game with a bit of a rematch from mixed regionals. We came in strong and focused and worked up our intensity steadily, pulling away a stronger lead towards the end of the game. It was good.

0 - 9 against Surrey 1

This was a very nervy game, and our offence suffered from being played chaotically and perhaps overly conservatively. The precision of Surrey's throws permeated our defence consistently, however our ultimate fault was not playing our own offensive game, and buckling to the pressure of what we knew to be a tough match up.

2 - 5 against Sussex 1

Our first match of the second day was not as consistent as we wanted it to be. We put pressure on defence and earned a few points, but their defensive pressure was higher and choked our offence. It was a tough start to the day but signalled that we needed to step up our game.

3 - 4 against St Mary's 1

This game really exposed the weakness in our offensive movement when we're tired. We got off a few long floaty shots across the whole field, but struggled with crowding in the under space and around the disc as the game went on, losing on universe to a quick blade. Our defensive basics were also tested with a significant amount of open unders being let go. This was a tough loss, putting a lot of pressure on the remaining games for the day.

3 - 4 against Brighton 1

We came up against Brighton who put a consistent zone and then played incredibly quick offence on the turn. The low scoreline reflected our patience with the disc, but our conservative play didn't penetrate into the endzone enough times. It was still a good game which we enjoyed playing, we just couldn't get our hands on enough of their shots to keep the score in our favour.

4 - 3 against Hertfordshire 1

This game was nearing the end of the day, and both teams were completely knackered, having both had some difficult losses earlier. We went into the game looking to have fun and play organically, with some fun new iso plays spruced in between. We got up early, and Herts only clawed a couple of points back with some full field hammers in the last third of the game. It was nice to see everyone having a good time after a day of heart breaking losses.

6 - 2 against Kent 1

Our last game of the day was in the last time slot of the day. With the hall mostly empty, and spirits reenergised after beating long standing rivals Herts in the previous game, we came out in a great mood and continued to play organically, enjoying the tournament while it lasted. Kent had a low amount of subs, but still put up a good fight and held up great spirit, including when we saw them again during our Maccies run approximately 2 hours later in London's South. This well spirited game topped off our spirit score to be the highest across all 4 regional tournaments that weekend, also meaning that we got to take a lovely spirit trophy home with us :) We were incredibly happy to finish on such a high note!

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