Strange Blue Tournament Report

Open Tour 2 - SB1

25-26.June.2011 - Nottingham

Hi all,

Not a long report today as I'm pretty busy at work but a quick roundup of what went on at the weekend.

Saturday we played 3 lost 3, disappointed to lose the first game to TeamShark 12-10 and then lost 14-9 to both Devon and Leeds. This didn't represent our best ultimate which was something of a disappointment!

We knew we had to win 2 games on Sunday to stay in A tour, we played Tooting in the 14v15 and played amazingly, agonisingly despite some huge blocks and great long goals and flow throughout the game we lost in Sudden Death.*

We beat TeamShark in Sudden Death in the 15v16.

*This couple of sentences in no way does justice to what was an epic game and included some of the best ultimate I've ever seen SB play!